These early drawings of the Carnegie Library were photographed in a house in Garden Village.

The final building differs slightly from these drawings as it has a distinctive porch at the front and the open veranda is continued along the right hand side and is enclosed by a wooden base with metal railings above.

The Carnegie Heritage Centre is run and managed entirely by volunteers. Every volunteer is committed to the aims of the organisation and they try to fulfil these objectives in many and various ways.

The capturing of Hull’s History can be done in so many ways from collecting old photos, collating newspaper articles and information into Box Files, as well as recording peoples personal memories.

The promoting of the history of Hull is done by inviting local historians to give a talk at the Carnegie Heritage Centre, Carnegie volunteers going out to groups in and around Hull, showing local school children how we lived in the 1900’s onwards and holding exhibitions so people can come in to the centre to see things for themselves.