A Brief History of Coltman Street

(History originally compiled by R Hamilton)

The Coltman Street conservation area covers approximately 22.5 acres, situated in the St Andrews ward between Anlaby Road and Hessle Road, including a short section of Hessle Road. It contains 11 Listed Buildings and many unlisted buildings of historical townscape value. As of 2019 Coltman Street itself has 200 houses, but approximately 600 residences due to the preponderance of HMO’s the properties tend to be altered to – a state that they are well suited to. However, it does mean a large, itinerant population, with shortage in parking facilities.

Anlaby Road is turnpiked.

Pre 1748
Robert Sanderson is a tenant farmer on 3 Closes of land (approximately 28 acres) belonging to William Lister.

20th & 21st June – Indenture of lease and release between William Lister, Grace Bielby, Reverend Thomas Wakefield and Thomas Bowman. William Lister, in consideration of £2000 to be paid to him on his coming marriage to Grace Bielby, and the receipt of 10s. from Rev. Wakefield (married to Lister’s sister Jane) and John Bowman, released to Wakefield and Bowman – “All those three Closes’ and Meadows and Pasture Ground, lying in the Lordship of Myton, within the County of the Town of Kingston upon Hull, and lying near the walls of the said town, containing, by estimation 28 Acres or thereabouts, be the same more or less, and then in the tenure or occupation of Robert Sanderson, together with the appurtenances, And the reversion &c. And all the estate &c…”

John Outram of Kilham and Peter Nevill of Benningholme Grange, both in the county of York, appointed Commissioners for ‘An Act for Dividing and Inclosing a certain common pasture called Myton Carr in the Lordship of Myton, in the parish of Holy Trinity, in the town and county of the town of Kingston upon Hull’ – 200 acres (less 30 acres of moor and marsh (Great and Little Myton Ings)). ‘ . . . Commissioners shall either reserve and allot a sufficient way or road to the common pound or pinfold . . .’ . . . all public highways or roads so to be set out, shall be of the breadth of sixty feet at the least, between and exclusive of the ditches . . . ‘ [Wilson-Barkworth Collection]. Walter Strickland and the vicar of Holy Trinity entitled in moieties to the tythes of the carr. Northern end of Coltman Street possibly part of enclosures owned by Thomas Broadly, Goulton or John Jarrett gentleman (abutting onto Anlaby Turnpike). Wold Ings western boundary.

The bend in Coltman Street at the Anlaby Road end marks the point where the field boundaries of Myton Carr converged and altered course. “Wesley Court (1990) is a revival of a former terrace name” [Markham]. Rev’d. Joseph Coltman (born 1775), a Beverley clergyman, died 19th June. The property passed back to his younger brother, Sir Thomas Coltman, a judge, who had originally inherited the land from his half cousin Harriett Green and subsequently named the land ‘in compliment to his father’. The Coltmans were a wealthy landowning 19th century family. “The family owned land which was ripe for development at a time when the town was experiencing a massive increase in population and decided that it would be more profitable to turn fields into streets.There is a cornerstone on a wall in Saner Street stating that this is ‘COLTMAN LAND’. Coltman street had the finest residences and proudly bore the family name. Bacheler Street honours a family into which the Coltmans married , and King’s Bench Street and Queensgate Street were named after Coltman addresses in London”.

Several prestigious houses built. Patricks Ground Lane becomes Hessle Road on 1842 map, Southern part of Gallows Lane and Pinfold Lane (where gallows were situated) become Great Thornton Street and Waverley Street.

Coltman Street still almost entirely marshland and open fields. Bacheler Street, Kings Bench Street, Queensgate and Saner Street were developed at this time.

Fully Developed (except Saner and Wellsted Streets). Double tram lines on Anlaby Road, single tram line down Hessle Road. Trinity Church (Wesleyan Methodist) sited between plots 39 to 43. Trinity Church and no.114 only bench marks – Coltman Street still rural area.

Coltman Street surrounded by suburban streets. Western boundary of city extends beyond Hawthorn Avenue.

More bench marks appear, Coltman Street has become an urban area – Nos.12/13 (11.3), Trinity Church (11.3), 116, 147a/Gee Street (10.7), circa No.74 (11.6), 174 (11.3). Hessle Road has double tram lines.

Current Wesleyan Methodist chapel replaces large set-back properties 81/82.

Trinity Church now divided into church and Sunday School. Clinic established at no.68 – current disused clinic on same site. Bench marks evened out (12/13 – 10.8, Trinity Church – 10.8, 147a – 10.2, 75 – 11.0, 174 – 10.8).

No.114 is a childrens clinic. Circa no.100 is a chest clinic.

10th November – Hull City Council informed that Coltman Street had been named a Housing Action Area by the Department of the Environment.

May – First turf cut to mark the start of the new development. July – Lord Mayor officially opens first of 101 Bellway flats.

July – £2.8 million project officially opened: 14 Victorian houses rebuilt and refurbished as 37 flats and 64 new 2/3 bedroom houses.

Council no longer control development.

Shane George murder marks deterioration of area.

17th November – Coltman Street Neighbourhood Watch set up.

Coltman street ‘Village’ project initiated by resident and (soon-to-be elected) local Councillor Annie Ryan and local resident Angie Scarr. with the co-operation of the Neighbourhood Watch and local landlords. This website first written for us and hosted by the Webfactory (ITITC).

First Coltman Street ‘Village’ Street party, organised by local residents.

At least 6 houses bought by local residents to restore to large family houses Neighbourhood watch wins highly commended award in the urban category.

Citybuild launches consultation with local residents on the future of the area. General agreement that Coltman Street and The Boulevard have a long term future.

Roger Hamilton wins commendation for his work with the Coltman Street Neighbourhood Watch.

October- Wardens Mural project begins. Aims:- to help restore community pride in the Hessle Road area. Plans to place a mural high on the end wall of Premier Army Stores facing the roundabout on Hessle road end.

November- Film of the mural project made By Hawkshead Video Company shown at Wardens National Conference. Film & Postcard booklet about Hessle road and the mural project including images & poems by local children, published and distributed.


Simon Kelsey and his soon-to-be wife begin their epic conversion of 114 Coltman Street back to a family home. With initial Council funding they are able to make a good start.


There are several properties that have been purchased and restored – some as HMO’s, but some as family homes for which the owners can be justly proud.


1771 Act of Inclosure Wilson-Barkworth Collection, 1924.
Streets of Hull. A History of Their Names John Markham Highgate Publications (Beverley) Ltd.,1990.
Colourful Characters. John Markham, Highgate Publications (Beverley) Ltd., 1992.



Joseph Wright ‘of Derby’, 1734 – 1797 Mr and Mrs Thomas Coltman about 1770-2 Oil on canvas, 127 x 101.6 cm Bought with contributions from the National Heritage Memorial Fund and The Pilgrim Trust, 1984 NG6496 https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/paintings/NG6496

‘Mr and Mrs Coltman’ by Joseph Wright of Derby, approx. 1770-72.

Thomas Coltman (1747 – 1826) of Hagnaby Priory, Lincolnshire, shown in the picture with his first wife Mary Barlow (1747 – 1786), whom he marrid in 1769. The house in the background was Gate burton House in Lincolnshire. Mr Coltman would be the father for whom Sir Thomas Coltman paid homage when naming Coltman Street.

Revd. Joseph Coltman of Beverley (1775 – 19 June 1837), who was said to be Sir Thomas’s father, may have been his brother, and this man’s elder son by this earlier wife. There needs some clarification on parentage for both Joseph and Sir Thomas.


Birth & Baptism

1793 20 May 1793 Birth of Thomas.

20 May 1793 Baptism of Thomas.

Westminster, Greater London, England, United Kingdom.

Parent: Thomas Coltman, Sarah.

Christening at St James, Westminster, Middlesex.

1842 22 February 1842 Will.

1843 28 July 1843 Certificate by Sir Thomas Coltman, Knight, one of the justices of the court of common pleas in Westminsteer, that Anne the wife of Arthur Green (as above) had acknowledged an indenture dated 26 July 1843 (DRS36/168 above).

Held by Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, not available at the National Archive.

2019 Sir Thomas Coltman – Last Will & Testament – Translation

Sir Thomas Coltman, Knight

This is the last Will of me Thomas Coltman

I give and devise my copyhold estates/if any/ in the Town or County in the Town of Kingston upon Hull and also in the County of York to my son William Bacheler Coltman In Trust to pay the rents & profits thereof to his mother during her widowhood and after that trust shall I tax to hold the same to him and his heirs for his own use I devise my freehold lands & all estates @ Myton to my brother-in-law Samuel Duckworth Esq to his heir In trust to pay the rents & profits thereof or such part thereof as shall at anytime remain unsold to my wife Anna Coltman during her widowhood and after that trust shall have ceased then In Trust for the use of my two sons William Bacheler and Francis Joseph and their heirs as tenants in common But I authorise and empower the said Samuel Duckworth at his discretion until the youngest of my surviving sons shall attain the age of twenty one and after my youngest surviving son shall have attained that age then with the consent of my said sons William Bacheler and Francis Joseph or the survivor of them to contract for the sale of and to sell any part of the freehold lands at Myton and to apply the proceeds of the sale thereof as my personal property is hereby directed to be applied I give and devise my landed estate in Lincolnshire to Sam F Duckworth & William Duckworth Esq my brothers in law and to their heirs in trust to pay the rents and profits to my wife Anna Coltman during her widowhood and after that trust shall have ceased then to apply a portion of the rents if they should see fit but not otherwise by way of an additional provision for the maintenance of my Son George Lister and the residue or if they shall think fit then the whole of such rents & profits to the use of my two Sons William Bacheler & Francis Joseph with equal shares & proportions and to their heirs forever as tenants in common All the rest and residue of my freehold estates including in that description my chambers in the Temple I give and devise to the said Samuel and William Duckworth and their heirs in trust to pay over the rents and profits thereof to my wife during her widowhood and after that trust shall cease then in trust for my two sons William Bacheler and Francis Joseph & their heirs as tenants in common. With respect to all my personal estate including therein all chattels real I give and bequeath it to the said Samuel and William Duckworth for the payment of any debts and legacies hereinafter mentioned or which I may hereafter leave by any Codicil and after payment thereof I desire then to hold the same in trust to pay the interest and proceeds thereof to my said wife during her widowhood and after that trust shall have ceased then to pay the same to my two sons William Bacheler & Francis Joseph in equal shares. My daughter Charlotte is already sufficiently provided for under her grandfathers Will and the deed of appointment made in her favour by her mother and myself now lodged at the office of Messrs Walmsley. In Chancery Lane but by way of further provision I give her the further sum of two thousand pounds to be paid to her at the expiration of twelve months from the time of my death and the further sum of two thousand pounds to be paid to her at her mother’s death I bequeath an annuity of thirty pounds a year to my Servant John Robins if living with me at the time of my death chargeable on my personal estate only and not on my real estate. The rest of my servants living with me at the time of my death I bequeath a year’s wages respectively and a suit of mourning. I bequeath the sum of five hundred pounds to my cousin William Joseph Coltman Esqre. With respect to my property in Canada I give and bequeath it to my sons William Bacheler and Francis Joseph and their heirs & assigns for ever I give and bequeath the lease of my house in Hyde Park Gardens together with the furniture plate wines fixtures & household goods therein to my dear and excellent wife for her own use &benefit and lastly I appoint SamlDuckworth and William Duckworth Esqrs to be the Executors of this my last Will Dated this Twenty Second day of February 1842 – Thos Coltman KG – Signed sealed & published by the said Thomas Coltman as and for his last Will (the following words having been first underlined namely in page the 1st, line the 16th the words “the use of” in page the 2d, in line the 14th the word “then” in line the 17th the words “and to their heirs for ever as tenants in common” and in page the 3rd in line the 22nd the words “to my Servant John Robins if living with me at the time of my death”/ on the day and year last written in the presence of-George Martin – Chas Taylor –

In The Prerogative Court of Canterbury;

In the Goods of Sir Thomas Coltman, Knight dec’d.

Appeared Personally George Martin of No 2 Percy Villas, Woronsow Road St Johns Wood in the County of Middlesex Gentleman and made oath that he is one of the subscribing witnesses to the last Will and Testament hereunto annexed of the said Sir Thomas Coltman late of No 8 Hyde Park Gardens in the County of Middlesex one of the Justices of Her Majesty’s Court of Common Pleas at Westminster Knight deceased bearing date the twenty second day of February one thousand eight hundred and forty two and he further made oath that the said Will was signed by the said deceased at the foot or end thereof in manner as now appears on the day of the date aforesaid in the presence of his appeaser and of James Taylor the other subscribed which thereto being present at the same time and that he and the said James Taylor thereupon immediately attested that names to the said Will as they now appear thereon in the presence of the said deceased and of each other – Geo. Martin – on the sixteenth day of July 1849 the said George Martin was duly sworn to the truth of this Affidavit

Before meJ AddamsSurrt – PrestEdwdHG Crosse Not Publ..’d

Proved at London 20th July 1849 before The Worshipful James Qarlaz Jeane Portoz of Saros and Surrogate by the oath of William Duckworth Esquire the surviving Executor to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn duly to administer. –

This the last Will and Testament of me Thomas Cumines of Flint Hall in the Parish of Newbold Percy in the County of Warwick.