The R38 crew members
This page is dedicated to the memory of those crew who perished performing their duty, irrespective of rank or nationality.
As we get more information from the public about relatives or from interested parties, we will endeavour to add this to the page.
Flt Sgt Alfred Thomas Martin

AC1 Charles William Penson

Air Cdre Cdre Edward Maitland Maitland

LAC William Oliver
William Oliver’s duties lay with the ‘petrol department’. He joined the RAF in 1915, and served in France during WW1, achieving the rank of leading Aircraftman. After the war, he elected to stay in the RAF and was appointed to work on the R38.

Flt Lt John Edward Maddock Pritchard OBE AFC

Flt Archibald Herbert Wann

Cpl Walter Augustus Potter