
Each term we run a Basic and an Intermediate Family History course, each session lasting two and a half hours and held over 5 weeks during school term times. Each course costs £30.00 per 5 week course to be paid before the course starts and payment can be made online through the Carnegie Heritage Centre shop or by calling into the centre on Tuesday or Friday. You will need to register with the centre if you are interested in either of these courses. The course runs on Monday mornings, 10am to 12.30pm.

You can enrol on either of these courses by visiting our web site shop and buying a ticket to book a place. If you have problems please contact Liz at the centre on Tuesdays or Fridays for more information. We do like people to pay before the course starts.

East Yorkshire Family History Society (EYFHS) hold a help desk on a Monday afternoon for anyone needing help with their Family History.

The Carnegie volunteers are on hand every Tuesday and Friday, from 10am to 2.30 pm, to give you help and advice if you are stuck at any point.

EYFHS Monumental Inscription booklets are available to buy at various prices.

The Basic Course

This is a 5 week course of 2.5 hours each session.

Week 1 Starting points, Family sources, Family trees and charts and record keeping.
Week 2 Using the General Register Office, Births, marriages and death certificate workshop, Using free Births Marriages & Deaths for Yorkshire and UK web sites.
Week 3 The census, using ‘Ancestry’ and ‘Find my Past’
Week 4 Parish Registers, Family Search and Free Registers.
Week 5 Parish Registers continued and other genealogy sites.

The cost will be £30.00 per course to be paid before the start of the course, either through our shop or by coming in to the centre..

There will be a break for refreshments half way through each session

Please contact the centre if you want to enrol on this course or go to our website shop and book a place.

The Intermediate Course

This is a 5 week course of 2.5 hours each session.

Week 1 Wills, Monumental Inscriptions and Cemetery records
Week 2 Military Records.
Week 3 Local History :- Books, Photos, Social Aspects & Maps. How they lived – their day to day lives.
Week 4 Early Records :- Pre 1800’s Manor Records & Early Taxes.
Week 5 Taking it further:- Newspapers, British and overseas records plus Immigration.

The cost is £30.00 per course which should be paid before the start of the course, either through our online shop or by coming in to the centre.

There will be a break for refreshments half way through each session