Information, copyright and links

This section of the web site accompanies the book ‘The Anlaby Road’ by Paul Gibson. The book sold out very quickly, and unfortunately there are none now left for purchase.

“A book on the history of Anlaby Road has been long overdue, and this will provide a definitive history for generations to come”

David Smith – Senior Local Studies Librarian, Hull City Council

“The book is magnificent and raises the bar significantly, in terms of content and presentation”
Nick Turner – local resident and author

“Many congratulations. A quality production and a great selection of photos.”
Martin Taylor – City Archivist

If you are looking for any of the better books on Hull or the East Riding it is well worth contacting Alex Alec-Smith who offers a friendly, knowledgeable and professional service to any request for books on East Yorkshire history and topography as well as the romantics and other reference books – highly recommended.


This website has been created to accompany the book “The Anlaby Road”, and both have been produced with the aid of a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

In 2004 Liz Shepherd retired from the position of trustee and volunteer of the Lonsdale Community Centre in Hull and formed a community group known as The Friends of Lonsdale. The group was created in order to organise activities for older people within the local community, within or outside the Lonsdale Community Centre, and on a regular basis. A reminiscence session developed from the meetings and has become the main focus of the group at their monthly meetings. During the meetings, reminiscence material usually in the form of old photographs and maps of the area, is used to promote memories, which are shared by other group members.

The book “The Anlaby Road” and the website “” have been created on behalf of The Friends of Lonsdale, and are the first in a series of documents, which are intended to preserve the findings made by the group and the researcher. Further publications are hoped to include personal reminiscences by members of the community and a “Then & Now” style picture book, showing the changes that have occurred on the Anlaby Road over the years.

The group’s researcher is Paul Gibson, who is 56 years old and has been studying the history of Hull and the surrounding area on a part-time basis for over ten years. Using his own family history as a starting point Paul’s interest has spread to a much wider appreciation of Hull’s social history, with a particular interest in photography, architecture, public houses and breweries. His interest was encouraged by tutor and friend Chris Ketchell whilst attending local history classes at the former Hull College Local History Unit, and the knowledge gained during those classes went some way to redress his lack of academic qualifications. Paul has so far written five books, and been the co-author of several others, as well as providing numerous articles for local and national publications.

The website has been constructed and maintained by Ian Halstead who is 62 years old, and has been active in the graphics industry since 1978. He currently runs his own graphics and web design business.

The history of the Anlaby Road is in many ways representative of the history of all the major roads in Hull, and the history of the town itself can be mapped by the development of the road, west from the old town walls. Hull’s population grew rapidly during the late 19th Century causing a huge demand for building land that could not be met within the walled town. The continuing demand for ever more space for housing and new industries forced development out of the town, a process that had begun in the late 18th Century around a new dock – later named Queen’s Dock, built north of the town, also west into Myton along the banks of the River Humber, and east into the ancient hamlet of Drypool. From the early 1800s this development spread along three main roads, the Beverley Road, the Holderness Road and the Anlaby Road, with the Hessle Road and Hedon Road being laid-out slightly later, completing the network of routes that we see today.

The well established turnpike road to Anlaby and Kirkella became an initial focus for development partly due to its geographical advantage, forming as it does, a natural trading link into the heart of industrial England, boosted by the arrival of the railways in the 1840s. Merchants and businessmen who had hoped to escape the smells and over crowding within the old town by building mansion houses and pleasure gardens along the Anlaby Road, soon found themselves once again in the midst of mills, tanneries and roperies as industry too spread west. This uneven and sporadic development of housing and industry along the Anlaby Road created a road of great contrast, where mansion houses sat alongside tanneries, convents were built in the shadow of oil mills, and huge churches overlooked brickyards and acres of slum housing.

The Anlaby Road has also enjoyed a rich history of sport and entertainment, and it will surprise many to know that it was the location for a racecourse equal in size to the Beverley course, a huge Botanic Garden, many theatres, fairs, football grounds, cricket pitches, parks and lost public houses.

Please contact Liz, if you have any comments or information and pictures to share with the community, or any other suggestions or queries and we will do our best to answer them.

Suggested further reading

A History of Hull. E. Gillett & K.A. MacMahon, 1980 revised reprinted edition, Hull University Press. Hull, 1989.

A History of William Jackson & Son PLC. Alan Wilkinson, Hutton Press Ltd. Cherry Burton, 1994.

A New Picture of Georgian Hull. Ivan and Elizabeth Hall, William Sessions Ltd., York and Hull Civic Society. Hull, 1978/79.

Anlaby Road Perambulation. Chris Ketchell, Hull College Local History Unit. Hull, 1990.

Anlaby; The History of an East Yorkshire Village 867-1999. Renton Heathcote, Beagle Publications. Anlaby, 1999.

Architecture of the Victorian Era of Kingston upon Hull; Being a Study of the Principal Buildings erected in Hull, 1830-1914. Ian N Goldthorpe (edited by Margaret Sumner), Highgate Publications (Beverley) Ltd. Beverley, 2005.

Barley Mash & Yeast: A History of The Hull Brewery Company 1782-1985. Robert Barnard, Hutton Press Ltd., and Hull College Local History Unit. Cherry Burton, 1990.

Boogie Nights; Hull’s Clubs and Discos. Paul Gibson, unpublished document. Hull, 2001.

Bottle & Jug (The off-licence in Hull). Paul Gibson, East Yorkshire Historian Volume 7 (the journal of the East Yorkshire Local History Society). Hull, 2006.

Civic News, October 1988. Hull Civic Society.

East Yorkshire Windmills. Roy Gregory, Charles Skilton Ltd. Cheddar, 1985.

History of the Streets of Hull. J Richardson, a Malet Lambert re-print of an original series of articles in the East Yorkshire Times in 1915. Hull, 1980s.

History of the Town & Port of Kingston upon Hull. J.J. Sheahan, John Green. Beverley, 1862.

Hull City, a Complete Record, 1904-1989. Chris Elton, Breedon Books Sport. Derby, 1989.

Hull Fair, an Illustrated History. Stephen Smith and Ken Scrivens, Hutton Press. Cherry Burton, 1991.

Hull Gent Seeks Country Residence 1750-1850. K J Allison, East Yorkshire Local History Series; No.36. Beverley,1981.

Hull in the Eighteenth Century, a Study in Economic and Social History. Gordon Jackson, Oxford University Press. 1972

Hull In the 1950’s: A Pictorial Diary of Life in Kingston upon Hull. John E. Smith, Hutton Press Ltd. Cherry Burton, 1994.

Hull Pubs & Breweries. Paul Gibson, Tempus Publishing Ltd. Stroud, 2004.

Hull Trams; the Early Days. Kingston upon Hull Museum, Lockington Publishing Co. North Ferriby, 1977.

Illustrated Guide to Hull. Edmund Wrigglesworth, Brown & Sons. Hull, 1890.Landlord. Graham Wilkinson, work in progress. Hull, 2007.

Last Complete Performance: In Memory of Hull’s Cinemas. Robert Curry, Hutton Press and the Local History Unit, Hull College of Further Education. Cherry Burton, 1992.

Living and Dying in Hull: A Picture of Hull in the Nineteenth Century. Bernard Foster, privately published. Hull, 1984.

Lost Churches and Chapels of Hull. David Neave, with Geoff Bell, Christopher Ketchell and Susan Neave, Hull City Museums & Art Galleries and the Hutton Press. Cherry Burton, 1991.

Lost Houses of East Yorkshire. David Neave and Edward Waterson, Georgian Society for East Yorkshire. Hull, 1988.

Notes Relative to the Manor of Myton. John Travis-Cook, Brown Brothers. Hull, 1890.

Picture This; The Victorian and Edwardian Photographers of Hull and District. Paul Gibson, work in progress. Hull, 2007.

See You Down at the Circle. Michael Ulyatt and David Sherwood, Mike Ulyatt Enterprises. Willerby, 2004.

Streets of Hull: A History of their Names. John Markham, Highgate Publications (Beverley) Ltd. Beverley, 1987.

The Buildings of England. Yorkshire: York and the East Riding. Nikolaus Pevsner and David Neave, Penguin Books. 1972 (second edition 1995).

The Evolution of Kingston upon Hull, as Shown by its Plans. Thomas Sheppard, Brown Brothers. Hull, 1911.

The Old Hull Borough Asylum (1849 – 1883). J A R Bickford, Hull City Record Office. Hull, 1981.

The Shop for the People, Two Centuries of Co-operative Enterprise in Hull and East Yorkshire. John E Smith, Hutton Press. Cherry Burton, 1988.

Tremendous Activity in the Old Town; Demolitions Loss List 1943-1988. Chris Ketchell, Hull College Local History Unit. 1989.

Trinity House of Kingston upon Hull. Arthur Storey, Albert Gait – Castle Press. Grimsby, 1967.

Victoria County History of the County of York and the East Riding; Volume 1; The City of Kingston upon Hull. Edited by K.J. Allison, Oxford University Press for the Institute of Historical Research. 1969.

The Kingston upon Hull City Council has an excellent website where you can access the pages of the Hull Local Studies Library, the Hull City Archives, the Wilberforce Museum, the Humberside Archaeology Partnership and the Maritime Museum.

This site also gives you access to thousands of photographs from the council’s huge collections, most of which can be viewed online and ordered direct.

This site also gives access to the many family history aids, and has many useful leaflets that can be downloaded to help you trace your family history, the history of your house etc, etc.

Link to the Hull City Council site (now Hull History Centre)

Rob Barnard has created a site where you can access indexes he has edited from “The Meadley Index”, containing detailed lists by subject of articles that were published in the Hull Times newspaper between 1857 and 1945.

This site also has copies of Rob’s booklets giving information regarding some of Hull’s old pubs.

The Carnegie Heritage Centre in the southwest corner of West Park, Anlaby Road, is a valuable source of information for those embarking on local and family history research.

The East Yorkshire Family History has a website where you can find endless information and more useful links, mostly to do with tracing your family history.

Those of you who are hoping to start tracing your own family history; this is an excellent new site made for beginners, and is really easy to use.

The East Riding Archives, Libraries & Museums website gives you access to all of their catalogues and information, containing lots of information about Hull as well as the East Riding villages and towns; the online search facility is very useful and fun to type in a place or name you are interested in just to see what comes up.

Link to the East Riding Archives

The Hull University website contains their own online search facility known as HUMAD 2 (Hull University Manuscripts and Archives Database) which can also be searched by a word or phrase, and contains all sorts of interesting stuff, and some good company history material.

The East Yorkshire Bibliography provides a searchable list of almost every known book and publication to do with the East Riding, and can be searched in a number of ways; ideal for compiling a list of books on one particular topic.

The history of the ancient village of Paull can be found at this site.

If you are tracing the history of any old village or town you may want to look at the Domesday Book, which can be searched online giving details from the ancient document that was produced in 1086.

The renowned antiquarian and compiler of useful data, Richard Hayton, has produced a site which is a veritable cornucopia of miscellaneous items of Ye Olde Yorkshire History; this most efficacious of sites contains not one, but dozens, of enlightening articles to astound and entertain the reader, and contains therein many histories of Hull’s Olde Towne hostelries and tippling haunts.

The 1901 Census can be searched at this site, which also gives access to the National Archives pages.

The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) enables communities to celebrate, look after and learn more about our diverse heritage. They fund the entire spread of heritage – including buildings, museums, natural heritage and the heritage of cultural traditions and language.

Since 1994 the HLF has awarded over £3.6 billion to more than 22,500 projects across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, helping open up our heritage for everyone to enjoy. This site gives details of their work and how to apply for funding.

This very clever and useful site produced by the Leicester University, lets you search dozens of old trade directories for England, mostly from the 19th Century, by key-words such as place names and family names etc.

For those of you interested in Hull’s pubs, this is a good site where you can see a photograph of every pub and bar in Hull, which is updated regularly to take in to account any new pubs or changes of name.

A web site covering the general history of Hull from pre-history to the 21st Century.

All rights reserved

No part of this site may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing from Paul Gibson or Liz Shepherd.

All text copyright Paul Gibson © 2007

All images copyright Paul Gibson © 2007 unless stated otherwise

Site design copyright Ian Halstead & Paul Gibson © 2007

Ordnance Survey maps where reproduced are © Crown Copyright 2007

Trade directories kindly scanned by Graham Wilkinson.

Should you require copies of any part of the text, or any of the images contained within the site, please contact Paul Gibson via the email address listed above and he will be happy to assist where possible.